Either to cover a temporary replacement or for a longer period of time, we offer a replacement service and rental of liquid ring vacuum pumps always at your disposal. Our inventory has a wide range of liquid ring vacuum pumps that will be immediately available for use, always ensuring the highest quality in our pumps.
Our team of experts is specialized in offering the best solution to supply your company with the most suitable machinery you need, studying each case and offering the most efficient range for the work that must be done.
SAFEM offers an exchange service for liquid ring vacuum pumps to enable the continuity of their functions while working on the repair of customer's vacuum pumps. Our services provide a fast and efficient solution to continue your company’s productivity and maintain its production.
We offer quick delivery of the pumps with a service that is active all day. We support a wide range of sectors, and offer customized solutions for your different applications.
At the same time, we also have a rental service with a wide range of liquid ring vacuum pumps available for those companies that are not interested in acquiring the property of one but do need this technology on time.
Whether for testing, studies or for actual use in your production, we guarantee the stock of liquid ring vacuum pumps to be used for as long as needed, either on specific days or for a longer period of time.
With all our product references ready for immediate use, we can quickly solve any needs required by the business. We are backed by more than 50 years of experience offering a leading customer service and a continuous supply of vacuum pump equipment.